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What you have to know about the history of Bacalar:




It has its origins in pre-Columbian times. Between the years 415 to 435 AD, the Itzáes from the south founded Siyan Ka'an Bakhalal today Bacalar, in the place remained about 60 years, because in the year 495, the Itzaés leave the place.

Bakhalal was the most important point of the Uaymil cacicazgo (one of the 16 provinces in which the Yucatan peninsula was divided, before the arrival of the Spaniards) that was dominated by the Chactemal cacicazgo, since it was the exchange point of Diverse goods brought from Central America, particularly from the region of Ulúa, in Honduras.

In spite of being an important commercial site, the political and administrative instability of the casicazgos made the Spanish conquest easy.

In 1531 Francisco de Montejo (father or "the adelantado") assigned the conquest of the area to Alonso Dávila, who arrived in Tulum and Bakhalal founding a population that he called Villa Real, but had to abandon it by the surprise attacks of the Mayas.

In 1543 Francisco de Montejo y León "El Mozo", son of "el adelantado", gave him the task of subjecting Gaspar Pacheco and his son Melchor to the population of the Bacalar area; Subjecting a good number of Indians.

In 1544 Melchor Pacheco founded the current population, giving it the name of Salamanca de Bacalar, however populating the place was complicated because it was very distant and the communications with Mérida Yucatán, then provincial capital, were deficient.

With the intervention of the Spaniards in the 16th century, Bacalar became one of the most important settlements on the eastern coast of the Yucatan peninsula. With only 30 settlers, it was the middle point on the route to the distant provinces of Guatemala and Honduras.

In the seventeenth century, Bacalar is again attacked but now by pirates who came through channels to disembark to the lagoon.

Piracy arose due to the conflicts between England, France and Holland against Spain for the possession of the colonies in America, this ambition marked the life of Bacalar, since its development was frequently limited by these disastrous incursions for the life and economy of the town .

In 1640 a Scottish pirate named Peter Wallace settled to the south of the present state of Quintana Roo, was dedicated to the exploitation of the dye stick; With that it gives rise to the first English settlement south of the Hondo River and that was precisely the origin of what today is Belize.

In 1652 Bacalar was devastated by the Cuban Diego the Mulato, which caused the almost total abandonment of the east coast. British, French and Dutch pirate attacks continued until the eighteenth century, as they wanted to control the traffic of the dye stick and on the other hand the Maya who were not conquered and retreated to the jungle also attacked.

This situation made the decision to fortify the city, which is how the fort of San Felipe de Bacalar is erected on the banks of the lagoon, it was completed in 1729.

Once fortified, Bacalar prospered and exported mahogany, dye stick, sugar, some fruits and goats and pigs.

By 1848 the population of Bacalar continued to grow in all areas, its population was then about 5,000 people, however that year exploded in the Yucatan peninsula called the Caste War; The Maya rebelled against the Mexican government and one of its first objectives was Bacalar. The population was attacked and devastated, the inhabitants who could survive fled to the British colony of British Honduras.

Bacalar remains depopulated until it was reconquered by a Mexican military column commanded by Rear Admiral Ortiz Monasterio in 1902.

Othón P. Blanco, commissioned by the Government of Mexico to secure the border, peacefully managed to get close to the Maya and make them recognize the government of the republic.

Since its repopulation, Bacalar has been growing both in population and economically, it is even a development center for many other communities located in its surroundings and neighborhoods.

Today is considered by the Ministry of Tourism as the Magical Town of Mexico, denomination granted October 2, 2006.




What you have to Know About Bacalar Lagoon:




Bacalar lagoon is a lagoon located in the south of the Mexican state of Quintana Roo, in the municipality of Bacalar, about 40 km north of the state capital, Chetumal.

The lagoon of Bacalar is popularly known as the Laguna de los Siete Colores because it is possible to distinguish seven different shades of blue between its waters, due to the different depths of it, inside the lagoon there are three different cenotes, whose waters overflowed And constituting a single lagoon, its form is narrow and long, being 42 km long and only 4 km at its widest point. The Bacalar lagoon is one of the few bodies of permanent surface water of the Yucatan peninsula, whose calcareous soil does not allow the superficial retention of the liquid, thus forming underground currents and cenotes, except for the region of Bacalar and the south of Quintana Roo, where the lagoon is part of a large system along with other smaller lagoons, such as the Laguna Guerrero or Laguna Milagros, which are occasionally united during rainy seasons through waterfalls and marshes with the Hondo River and the Bay of Chetumal . Unlike other parts of the peninsula, this system of lagoons, river and bay allowed communications and development of the south Quitanarro.

The lagoon is named after the town of Bacalar, the oldest town of Quintana Roo, and its name comes from the Maya Bakhalal, meaning "Surrounded by reeds", was later re-founded by the colonizers Spaniards, who defended it from English pirates and rebellious Mayan groups, built Fort San Felipe, which is now a tourist attraction.
Also Bacalar Lagoon is characterized by being the only transparent lagoon that exists in Mesoamerica, this because a great part of the water of the cenotes that are in the peninsula of Yucatan pour their waters in its lagoon forming this beautiful natural wonder, The cenotes have their origin 65 million years ago since they were formed due to the meteorite that extinguished to the dinosaurs, that just fell in the middle of the peninsula of Yucatan.




What you have to know before traveling to Bacalar:




The closest airport is Chetumal, so you will have to arrive via Mexico City - Chetumal, there are flights by the Volaris lines, Interjet every day, the only alternative airport would be Cancun, however it is more than 6hrs Of Bacalar, it is best to go straight to Chetumal.

Bacalar is a small town and does not have too many hotels, so if you want to visit it and especially if it is high season, we recommend you to book your hotel well in advance

There are a lot of activities that can be done in Bacalar and is an excellent place for a week of rest and adventure, unfortunately the government does not give much encouragement to this part of the state in tourism but there are a lot of archaeological sites, Beaches and activities in and around Bacalar and Chetumal






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